The game I want to invite you into playing, with your life, is not one where I help you better strategize and execute on creating the results you want.
The game I want to invite you into playing is one where you create yourself as a clearing for results.
The more of your patterns, habits and automatic ways of being you can shift aside, the more your natural expression can shine into the world.
The shift is that your results are created AS you. There stops being anything in particular for you to do, and instead, your life becomes about the innate and effortless expression of your art in the world.
That won’t feel effortless at first.
It takes effort to drop the habits we’ve learned to use to stay safe, even if the long-term results are that we end up at a more effortless expression of ourselves.
It takes effort and energy, at first, to trust that you don’t need the shield and armour you’ve relied on to stay safe.
It takes effort and energy, at first, to bear the barbs that come as you let that safety go, and discover how resilient and quickly you can heal when you allow the possibility of being stung.
If you’re willing to continue the work of removing the armour, where you’ll find yourself is creating results almost effortlessly.
Simply being your expression in the world, and allowing the world to resonate and respond to that.
Our work together
One-on-one embodied, high-performance coaching with David is an intense, deep dive into the untapped potential of your life and relationships. We work together to uncover the very patterns and habits that have led to your success — and to see how they are now what holds you stuck. We transform the way you show up in your life, developing you as a leader. A leader that models not only success, but curiosity, joy, adventure, daring, and passion from your deepest truth and heart.
Here is what we will create
A life free of compromise. Profound love and the deep connection that you crave with people. You will create an existential fulfillment and a legacy.
No more sacrificing your passion, your relationships, your love, your desires, and your joy in order to create impact. We are creating a life where you actually win more, by releasing the places you’ve learned
to compromise.
You’ll develop the ability to create a deep, intimate connection with anyone and everyone. And those relationships will no longer drain you or leave you feeling empty inside — they’ll fill you up.
The kind of fulfillment that has you wake up and go to sleep grateful and excited to be alive. You remember that feeling, right?. A life where curiosity and discovery are always present.
You are here to shift the planet. You know in your heart that you came here to play the game of your life and creating the shift you’re here to make. You´ll do so from a place of excellence, integrity, joy, and freedom.
I don’t work with everyone. This isn’t right for you if:
You’re looking for a short-term fix that will have everything sorted out neatly and without having to make any change.
You think that shifting patterns you’ve developed over the course of your life should happen in the span of about 3 months.
You’re looking for nice conversations, feeling good, and having your feathers fluffed — you’re already surrounded by those people.
You’re looking to get better at life — you have a vision and are committed to bringing it into the world. Better is not enough.
You believe that leadership is developed by reading enough books and listening to enough lectures.
You’re waiting to feel confident before you fully step into your life and leadership.
You believe that the reason you don’t have the results you want is because you don’t have the right plan.
You believe that you’ll be ready to take on this work once things have settled down (have things ever truly settled down for you?)
You aren’t willing to let go of some of the comforts you currently have in order to create the life of your dreams.
You’re hoping to hire someone that will tell you what to do to step into your deepest leadership (You get that that’s self-defeating, right?)
You are sure that how things are is a fact, and that it can’t go differently. I’m not going to wrestle with you: if you want to argue for your limitations, instead of your possibilities, then you can keep them.
You already know everything there is to know about yourself, so you’re just looking for a plan with a checklist of actions.
You think you’ll know when the time is right because you’ll feel ready/amazing/confident/sure it’s time to play. Nope. There is no bluebird of right-timeliness. You make the decision, and then you make it right.
Our Investment
in You
This work is the road less traveled, creating a world and self on purpose, which means you’ll be creating the path as you walk it. We are playing for your life and work like this requires commitment. You already know this is true because you demand the same from everyone else. If you’re wanting something unconventional, you may have found a home.
This work isn’t for the faint of heart — it’s for people who know they’re ready to change the planet and are willing to make a commitment commensurate with that. I work with those whose word is more powerful than any contract or document.
Coaching Agreement Long Term:
Six Months - Between 7,000 euros and 9,000 euros.
One year - Between 12,000 euros and 15,000 euros
In-person VIP Day Intensive: 2,400 euros
5 hours
“Be With” Agreement: 800 euros
2 hours
If you are interested in working together, please e-mail me:
Serious and appropriate inquiries only.