“Please, consider David Medina as your coach when looking for clarity and support. David is kind, calm, patient, yet to the point. What drives him as a coach, is that he wants to see you thrive. He has given me useful insight on how to go for and reach the next level, career wise. One can easily schedule a session online in English or Spanish, as he is fluent in both languages.”
— Saskia Fey Goewie
Singer & Songmaker & Performer/ Teacher of English (Bachelor Degree, 15 years of experience).
“He tenido el placer de realizar una sesión de Coaching con David, donde analizó mis frustraciones e inquietudes existenciales de mi trabajo en mi Proyecto Lodesan, conociendo las dificultades que implican el lanzamiento de un nuevo proyecto medioambiental en la actual problemática del COVID. Me ha confrontado a los miedos que todos tenemos y ayudado a analizar y mirarlos de frente. Resaltando mis fortalezas y actitudes, puedo animar a aquellas personas que se sienten frágiles en el emprendimiento a realizar sesiones positivas con David, el cual con cariño y sosiego, te ayuda en un positivo acompañamiento a un proceso personal. Es maravilloso que el camino te regale personas como David.”
— Sandra Martin Gonzalez -
CEO & Founder Lodesan - Optimización del Reciclaje Urbano y Economía Circular.
Experta en Gestión de Residuos y economía circular, Colegio de Ambiéntólogos de Granada.
“David es una persona muy especial. Llevar a buen término un proceso de coaching no es siempre tarea fácil, pero él consigue que sea una experiencia tremendamente útil, amable, enriquecedora y reveladora. Tiene conocimiento suficiente como para saber llevarte hacía donde necesitas y el talento para leer e intuir la mejor manera de conseguirlo. Su guía es generosa, escucha con intención y siempre agradece el esfuerzo y el coraje. No podría recomendarle más. Trabajar con David es todo un placer.”
— Fernando López del Prado, PIEMA
Sustainability Strategy & Reporting - GRI | Human Rights | SDGs
Vanessa Michael
Helping humanity to help the planet.Owner & Author - Director of Wellbeing at Post Growth Institute
Fernando López del Prado,
PIEMASustainability Strategy & Reporting - GRI | Human Rights | SDGs
Saskia Fey Goewie
Singer & Songmaker & Performer/ Teacher of English (Bachelor Degree, 15 years of experience).
Sandra Martin Gonzalez
CEO & Founder Lodesan - Optimización del Reciclaje Urbano y Economía Circular. Experta en Gestión de Residuos y economía circular, Colegio de Ambiéntólogos de Granada.
Soraya Cortes
Coordinación centro
Maja Kenney
Founder of Maja's Motorcycle Adventures
Stuart De Ville
Creative Leader - Director Game Development - Lecturer and mentor
Gabriel Sakata
Director General at BVS Technology Solutions
"Working with David has been a life-changing experience and an absolute pleasure.”
“David has guided me in rediscovering my passions and working through unhealthy coping mechanisms and behavioural patterns. Within the two years of our journey together, I was able to realign my professional life with my passions, become a confident leader with new job assignments and an exciting journey ahead. I was also able to heal the relationship to myself and deepen the ones to those around me. David has the intuition to sense the most powerful aspects to work on and guides you on a journey into the deepest corners of yourself. Whilst these explorations are not always easy to go through, he creates an atmosphere of love and complete acceptance, giving you the license to fully open up and the choice to work on the aspects of yourself that would usually hide in the furthest corners of the subconscious. I am excited to continue our journey together!"
— Vanessa Michael
Helping humanity to help the planet. Owner & Author - Director of Wellbeing at Post Growth Institute
“Now I’m not just busy, I’m productive. I’m not lost in my passion, I’m at the steering wheel.”
As a director of three startups, and a lecturer and family man, I have a very (insanely) busy lifestyle. I’m always open to new opportunities and so I have ended up doing a lot!
David allowed me through our conversations to take a real moment and reflect. How did I end up where I am? Where do I have time for myself? David helped me realize my strength is my passion and drive, to provide for my family. That I can keep that side of me, but have it more balanced, and this reflection allows me to make sure I’m aware of my choices and where those paths lead.
So now I’m not just busy, I’m productive. I’m not lost in my passion, I’m at the steering wheel. I’m consciously making sure I know what I’m doing and ensuring I have space for myself, so I can enjoy the whole package.
David has a very powerful skill set. He has a way of directing the conversation to allow you to open up and discover what’s going on in your own head. I had an amazing journey of discovery and will be eternally grateful for that.
— Stuart De Ville
Creative Leader - Director Game Development - Lecturer and mentor
“Mi experiencia de vida es mucho más satisfactoria sabiendo que hacer y dándome permiso a disfrutarla desde el corazón”
“Me encontraba en una zona sin salida, donde sentía que no avanzaba, el desafío fue preguntarme si podía llegar a encontrar algo de claridad para dejar de sentirme tan mal conmigo misma por estar paralizada.
El beneficio de realizar este proceso es realmente gratificante, conmovedor, te sientes pleno y con ganas de seguir. Cuando comencé no me imaginaba que se podía llegar a profundizar tanto dentro de ti, dar con tantas cosas que te están bloqueando, a su vez ir desenredando cosas que no sabía que me estaban paralizando, empecé a disfrutar más todas las relaciones que me rodean, haciendo en cada momento que sean satisfactorias.
El proceso te hace ser más consciente, estar más sereno con tus pensamientos, ahora sé que es importante para mi, empecé a respetarme mas, dar prioridad a lo que siento. Mi experiencia de vida es mucho más satisfactoria sabiendo qué hacer y dándome permiso a disfrutarla desde el corazón.”
— Soraya Cortes
Coordinación y jefa de tienda
I wholeheartedly recommend David’s services to anyone who has the COURAGE to step into their own shadow and do the REAL work of unbecoming and becoming the dream, authentic version of themselves.
“Before David and I started working together, I generally thought of myself as someone who is pretty self-aware, ambitious, and growth-oriented. I’d even pride myself on being fearless. But it felt like I was in a never-ending cycle, ebbing and flowing between feeling motivated, ambitious, and having a plan, and feeling demotivated, uninspired, and inadequate. I thought maybe a coach could give me the fix I needed so I could exit the cycle, and finish my plans already! Over the course of 4 months, my entire mindset shifted. David and I created a safe and welcoming space to share and grow. I was welcomed by David’s strong ability to listen, his approach in shifting the intellectual conversation into a practical and applicable direction, and his consistent check-ins, availability, and sharing of resources. And so, my journey became less and less about the plans, and more about the experience I was choosing to create. In these last 4 months have provided me with MORE growth than the last 25 years of my life… With David’s coaching, I’ve started to dig even DEEPER into how and why I think the way I do. I now have a deeper understanding of my patterns of behavior, and how these have shaped my decisions and the kinds of situations I attracted in the past. More importantly, I’ve started to work through the patterns I want to let go of. I’ve found the courage to work through difficult emotions. I’ve started to take the initiative to choose to be the kind of person I know I can and want to be. I’ve committed to pursuing my dream self because she doesn’t have to be JUST a dream. I’ve truly made tremendous progress in this conscious chapter of my life journey, and it couldn’t have been possible without David’s coaching. I am so grateful and again, I highly recommend this experience to anyone who feels READY to make a change even (especially) if you don’t know WHAT that change should be… You’ll know it along the way.”
Maria Teodora Barbu
Fund Development Coordinator at Kids Up Front Edmonton | Emerging Poet/Artist